Felicity can have dairy and wheat again! Brynna can have dairy, wheat and eggs again!
Fourteen months ago, around her 2nd birthday, Felicity became very sick. Diarrhea and vomiting, weight-loss and lethargy were the norm for more than a month. In a child who had suffered acid reflux disease the first year of life--a child who was already developmentally behind, underweight, and a patient of pediatric physical therapy--her condition became serious. By March 2008 Felicity was admitted to the hospital in Longmont, unable to keep even breast milk down.
Throughout her days at the hospital, Felicity endured many tests. When she was discharged a couple of days later, all her pediatrician could tell us was that Felicity had severe allergies to eggs and dairy, and moderate allergies to wheat, soy and peanuts. Her pediatrician also said that once we left the hospital Richard and I were to keep all five of these foods, and any food containing ingredients derived from them, away from her. Tough for Richard, seemingly impossible to me, as I was still breastfeeding her half a dozen times a day. Translation: I also had to adhere to the same food restrictions.
I remember calling Tera as we drove home from the hospital that night, informing my very frightened, very concerned friend of what would then be our life. Following a trip to the health food store, I came to realize that Felicity and I would be subsisting on rice, fish, meats, fruits and vegetables. Needless to say, after two weeks on our new diet, Felicity and I both lost weight--weight we didn't have to lose. Thank goodness within the next month we were able to add peanuts, soy and small amounts of wheat back to our diet. Trust me when I say that it was still extremely difficult, more for me than for her.
It is important to note that while our family was dealing with our very sick daughter, Tera and her family were wondering what in the world was wrong with their Brynna. You see, Brynna had also been suffering non-stop bouts of vomiting and diarrhea for more than a month, and no one seemed to know why. You guessed it: before long she, too, was diagnosed with severe food allergies to eggs, dairy and wheat. Imagine that one day you are healthy, enjoying all of your favorite foods, and suddenly they could kill you. Yes, Brynna was that severely allergic. Tera was then forced to carry an Epi-pen for her daughter. Scary.
Though our Brynna and Felicity saw different doctors, much of what Tera and I were told was the same: have the girls abstain from those foods, and all foods containing derivatives of them, for the space of one year at which time their blood would be tested again. As Brynna and Felicity's parents, this was daunting for Tera, JP, Rich and me. It meant shopping at special stores, worrying about cross-contamination, and becoming educated at reading food labels.
Tera has often said that she and I were foreordained to be best friends, and has said the same of our Brynna and Felicity. Of this insight I have no doubt. Of Tera's insight that my family was supposed to move here to Colorado to join hers to be a support, I also have no doubt. Heavenly Father saw the big picture and knew that our families would need each other.
There are too many coincidences between Brynna and Felicity to ignore. They were born within weeks of each other. As babies they both stopped breathing and began to turn blue while in the hospital. (Brynna had to go and do it again once she was home from the hospital, too, at about a week old forcing her parents to dial 911). The girls have been friends here on earth since they were each just months old, and have shared in each others' milestones. Not long past the girls' 2nd birthdays they became violently ill, as I've already talked about. But the greatest of all coincidences came in the form of phone calls yesterday afternoon.
Yesterday Felicity spent nearly 8 hours at National Jewish down in Denver with Rich for a milk challenge. She had recently had extensive blood work and a sweat test done. While at National Jewish, Rich was able to meet with Felicity's allergist who took all test results and in a way put them together like a puzzle. She determined that though Felicity was still allergic to eggs, (we'll test again next year) she was no longer allergic to dairy and wheat. On his drive home from Denver, Rich called me at the park across the street where I was visiting with some of my best girlfriends to give me the good news. How wonderful it was for my friends to throw their arms around me in relief once I shared with them the good news.
Once again it is important to note that late last week Tera had taken Brynna in for new blood work, and she was anxiously awaiting the results. Within minutes of my call from Rich, JP called Tera to say that Brynna was free and clear of her allergies. Coincidence? I know it wasn't. Holding and kissing Tera, my best friend and my greatest support, knowing that our girls had overcome their ordeal together, was an amazing feeling.
Once more I ask, coincidence? No way. Heavenly Father blessed us in the strength of our relationships and He blessed us for our faith. Not a day went by that our families didn't pray for our Brynna and Felicity and the hope that they would overcome their allergies, allowing them to once again enjoy the foods they had had to go without. It was harder for us as parents to see our daughters miss out than it was for them to go without. They adapted rather well.
Everyday it was a challenge to feed children with such special dietary needs but ask Tera or me if we would do it all over again and I'm sure you can come up with the right answer. Shelly, you ask if it's possible to love a child too much? With all sincerity, I answer "Nay".
Love, Cara
1 day ago