Is it too much to ask...
...for my husband to get up with the alarm instead of sleeping through it or turning it off to "lay in bed for a minute"?
...for my husband to let me know when he's going to be home from work each night without having to ask him everyday?
...for my children to do their chores?
...for my five-month old baby to take a nap?
...for my sons to pee only in the toilet bowl?
...for my children to not pick their noses in front of me?
...for my family not to have skid marks in their underwear?
...for my children to not wipe their boogers on walls, clothing, towels, hair, etc?
...for there not to be a spill at the dinner table?
...for my daughter to not get food in her hair when she eats and toothpaste in her hair when she brushes her teeth?
...for my family to not burp and fart at the dinner table?
...for my children to not play with my cell phone--to not change my ringtone, turn my ringer off altogether, or download games, etc. which will later show up on my bill?
...for my children to actually put their trash in the trash cans and their dirty clothes in the hamper?
...for my sons to wash their hands after using the bathroom without being told?
...for my children to not stay in the shower until they turn into raisins and use up all the hot water?
...for us to have a good morning?
...for there not to be screaming in my house?
...for my children to not hide things from me and each other?
...for my children to not remove my bookmark from whatever novel I might be reading so that I lose my place and while searching for said lost place spoil the book for myself?
...for my children to not eat my Weight Watchers and diet food, especially since I buy them the real thing which tastes so much better and costs less money?
...for my family to say "thank you" once in a while?
...for there not to be any complaints about a meal I've just prepared?
...for me to not have to wait till lunchtime to finally eat for the first time?
...for my laptop to be available to me when I need it?
...for my children to not leave fingerprints on my stainless steel appliances and any and all glass surfaces?
...for my family to not wake up the baby before she's ready to get up in the morning?
...for my DVRs to actually record what I program them to?
...for my husband to not make the children mad before he up and leaves for work, leaving me to deal with the meltdown?
...for my family to leave me alone when I am using the bathroom by not following me in or talking to me from the other side of the door?
...for my family to not talk to me while I'm on the phone?
...for my children to respect when my bedroom door is locked and not yank and pull at the handle until they break the lock which then has to be repaired for the hundredth time?
...for my family to exercise common courtesy and common sense?
...for my life to not be so difficult and chaotic and reminiscent of "Groundhog Day"?
...for me to have peace?
...for me to have time to myself?
Apparently it is. Sorry I asked!