Since I just had a baby, and have been recovering from major surgery, Richard has been home all week taking care of us. He has been cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, checking homework, doing his own homework, running errands, and playing with the kids so they don't get bored. The best part about Richard being home and in charge this week? He has barbequed our dinner every single night (except for Friday when the winds were so strong that his flame wouldn't stay lit so alas, the chicken was oven-baked).
Richard was so busy this week, he was hardly afforded a moment to sit down, let alone relax. Yes, filling in for me is a tall order--my standards are very high. Along with the list of daily chores were a few extra jobs for him to do. One of those extra jobs was to take Dallin and Elijah to our local SuperCuts for long-overdue haircuts. (While there he was supposed to get one, too). At any other time, I am the one who cuts all my boys' hair. But as I am currently unable to stand and work on my feet for the necessary 90 minutes it usually takes me, I felt it time to break tradition and have Rich pay (cringe!) for haircuts.
Well, said haircuts never happened this week. Last night I told Rich that the boys could not go to church looking so homeless and unkempt, and ha, ha, he should just buzz their heads. I was kidding! After all, Dallin has the most beautiful red hair. I remember buzzing his head the summer he was 3. I cried the rest of the day. Yes, it obviously grew back, but I was nonetheless devastated.
Back to last night. The middle two girls were in bed, and I sat in the family room nursing Bree to sleep. I took her upstairs to bed, and as I headed back downstairs, I realized Rich and the boys were nowhere in sight...
Bzzzz.... What's that sound? Bees, pray tell?

I followed the noise and was led to the garage where Rich had already buzzed Elijah's head, and was in the process of buzzing Dallin's. Of course I had to get the camera. Then I laughed. Then I cried. I know it will grow back, but I'm still very sad. Rich said it was fun to do, and both Dallin and Elijah love their new do's. And it is almost summertime.

I'll get over it. When it grows back.

Love, Cara
p.s. The boys' favorite part of the new hair do's? Their hair is already done.