Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mimi No Front Teeth

It's a good thing Richard and I are on a first-name basis with the Tooth Fairy. Yep, once again Mimi has pulled out a tooth during the night, surprising Richard and me with another gap in her smile. Just a little over two months ago Mimi's smile was two gaps wide.

20 June 2009

And now it is three gaps wide.

This is what Mimi looked like when she rolled out of bed yesterday morning.

Mimi was very proud of herself and her new smile. In fact, she even bragged that she takes after her daddy because she enjoys pulling teeth out (Elijah also has the same sickness). Mimi was also proud of the fact that she pulled the tooth out before her daddy could get to it. Ick.

Get a load of that bed head.

That's scary!

And here's the infamous tooth.

Richard and I have warned Mimi not to pull out too many teeth for fear that she will have to start eating from the side of her mouth, or worst case, drinking her meals through a straw. She just laughs.

Could it really be that Mimi truly enjoys pulling out teeth for the fun of it, or is she saving up for her college education? Should the latter be the case, she's going to quickly run out of teeth and Richard and I will have to take out a second mortgage to finance her hobby / habit! I only exaggerate a little...

Love, Cara


Crazy Mom of 6 said...

That is one thing I wish my kids didnt mind doing. See at our house I am the puller, Scott wont get anywhere near it. Just wish the kids didnt act like they were dying!LOL!

Way to go MiMi!! :)

Tera said...

She has the cutest toothless smile I have ever seen!