Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hangin' Around With Dad

Bree enjoys hangin' around with Dad... the straps of her overalls.

This is Bree's imitation of a duffel bag.

Now Bree is a trophy!

The next time Richard flies on an airplane, Bree will be his carry-on luggage. Here they are practicing.

Steady, now, Daddy's gonna let go...

Ta da! Bree is balancing on her daddy's right hand! (And did so for a record 25 seconds)

Who knew overalls were so multi-functional? Bree's daddy did. Who knew Bree's daddy was crazy fun to hang around with? Dallin, Elijah, Mimi and Felicity knew. They all had their turns being Daddy's favorite little toy.

Love, Cara


Tera said...

Too cute! It's fun to have husbands who find playing with their babies so much fun. Next picture should have been a picture of Bree on his chest, wrapped around his heart!

Shelly said...

ADORABLE!! Bree is such a little daddy's girl-I LOVE that!! Katie's always had such a special bond with her daddy too, it's just SO sweet! Cute pictures~