Thursday, March 25, 2010

That Saturday Was A Special Day

Given the recent bad weather, I write this next post to remind myself that just a few short weeks ago we Coloradans were blessed with a gorgeous Saturday. As a family, we took advantage of it and instead of working inside, we worked outside before playing.

Since the previous Saturday we had washed all of the windows and screens on the house, it was time to scrub all the blinds.

First Dallin washed our driveway with Rich's power washer. That was a big job and required a lot of work in order that we could do the real work!

One by one, Rich pulled each set down from the windows and placed them on the driveway.

That's me scrubbing dirty blinds with the car washing brush. Knowing that we were going to work outside, I put on old clothes and decided to save the shower for later. In this picture I am wearing a jacket, but before long I was able to shed it.

After I scrubbed, Elijah rinsed. He liked that job. A lot.

When we were all done, Elijah took a break with Bree. He is so amazing with her.

Mimi and Felicity took a break by riding their bikes at our park across the street. But before they took off on their bike ride, Mimi thought that Tyke the dog looked as though he needed a break from the sun, too. So she let Tyke borrow her sunglasses.

He looks cooler already, eh?

Tyke's future's so bright, he's gotta wear shades.

As if scrubbing blinds wasn't enough, after a short break, I then shampooed Tyke. Sadly no one took pictures of that. Sorry.

When all was said and done, it was an exhausting day. A great day, but a busy one. There's nothing like that fantastic feeling of accomplishment and knowledge of a job well-done.


P.S. Now we can't wait till we can start taking care of the lawns again! Our family loves to work and play outside.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

fun! I havent figured how to wash the blinds. that is one way I never thought of. thanks! and that dog is beautiful!