Monday, March 16, 2009

I would rather...

...scrub toilets, clean out the refrigerator, change poopy diapers, shampoo the dog, pull weeds, wash windows, etc. than go to the dentist. But that is just what I did today. Yes, it was just a routine cleaning without any fillings or (Heaven forbid!) root canals. However, I'd still rather do all of the jobs listed above than have anyone working in my mouth. I hate it! I'd even rather go for an annual visit with my gynecologist, if you know what I mean. My aversion is that bad.

So I'll openly admit that one of the worst parts about having someone working in my mouth is that it means I cannot talk. That's torture to me, as I am a rather garrulous person. Then there is the fact that you have to keep your mouth stretched open for an hour. Ouch! And let's not forget all of the scraping and picking that goes on while your mouth is open and drying out. Yuck!

My best girlfriend Tera shares my sentiments. So much so, that she claims she'd rather have a Cesarean Section than go to the dentist. Although I, too, have also had 4 Cesarean Sections, I don't know that I'd go as far as to agree. After all, each time you have a Cesarean Section, there are needles involved, and you don't want to get me started on those!

Okay. Now you all know of my severe aversion to dentists. Such is the reason I hadn't been in about 7 years until today. You think that is bad, Richard hasn't been since we got married almost 14 years ago. He's in for it, because I made him an appointment. He was none too happy about it, either. He can just grin and bear it, though, because as a man there is so much he never has to do. Am I right, ladies? I think so!

That's enough about dentists, those crazy people who stick their hands inside the mouths of strangers. Disgusting!



Crazy Mom of 6 said...

You are so funny!!! i know about the waiting for so many years. I have been regularly with the kids too but Scott hasn't been since right before we got married so 11 Years for him. So I think he needs to grab the bull by the horns and just do it. Just when. That is always the case. I think you are so hilarious!!!

Tera said...

You made me queasy just talking about the dentist. And a little guilty too since I need to go.


Crazy Mom of 6 said...

Cara come to my blog got something for you.